Streptavidin, Flamma® 648 [ Catalog No. RFP0711 ] - A fluorescence labeled biotin binding protein that Flamma® 648 dye is covalently attached to streptavidin. - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $170.00
Biotin, Flamma® 648 [ Catalog No. RFP0611 ] - A fluorescent biotin that Flamma® 648 dye is covalently attached to biotin. - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $153.00 5 mg $454.00
Flamma® 648 Azide [ Catalog No. PWZ1215 ] - Aldehyde, Ketone reactive dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $121.00 5 mg $350.00 25 mg $840.00
Flamma® 648 ADIBO [ Catalog No. DWC1021 ] - Cu-free click chemistry dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $121.00 5 mg $350.00 25 mg $840.00
Flamma® 648 PEG4-Alkyne [ Catalog No. PWG1215 ] - Click chemistry dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $185.00 5 mg $630.00 25 mg $1,315.00
Flamma® 648 Alkyne [ Catalog No. PWK1215 ] - Click chemistry dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $160.00 5 mg $525.00 25 mg $1,050.00
Flamma® 648 Hydrazide [ Catalog No. PWH1215 ] - Aldehyde, Ketone reactive dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $121.00 5 mg $350.00 25 mg $840.00
Flamma® 648 Dichlorotriazine [ Catalog No. PWR2215 ] - Hydroxyl reactive dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $480.00 5 mg $1,740.00 25 mg $6,460.00
Flamma® 648 Thiol [ Catalog No. KWT1042 ] - Functionalized dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $281.00 5 mg $956.00 25 mg $3,557.00
Flamma® 648 Amine [ Catalog No. PWE1215 ] - Functionalized dyes - Replacement for Alexa647, DyLight650, Cy5 1 mg $121.00 5 mg $420.00 25 mg $840.00