NpFlamma® MB [ Catalog No. PNB0501 ] - Special price event - Colloidal complex of methylene blue (MB) fluorescent dye that enables to selectively detect tumor cells. 1 mL $150.00
CytoFlamma® 749 Cell-membrane (5 mM) [ Catalog No. RCS1623 ] - A lipophilic fluorescence dye for labeling hydrophobic structures in membranes and other cells. 1 mL $319.00
CytoFlamma® 749 Cell-membrane (1 mM) [ Catalog No. RCS1622 ] - A lipophilic fluorescence dye for labeling hydrophobic structures in membranes and other cells. 1 mL $88.00
CytoFlamma® 648 Cell-membrane (5 mM) [ Catalog No. RCS1423 ] - A lipophilic fluorescence dye for labeling hydrophobic structures in membranes and other cells. - Replacement for Vybrant™ DiD cell-labeling solution 1 mL $319.00
CytoFlamma® 648 Cell-membrane (1 mM) [ Catalog No. RCS1422 ] - A lipophilic fluorescence dye for labeling hydrophobic structures in membranes and other cells. - Replacement for Vybrant™ DiD cell-labeling solution 1 mL $88.00
BBBFlamma® AD [ Catalog No. BAJ1001 ] - Amyloid beta(AB) plaque imaging agent for alzheimer's disease study 0.5 mg Contact us 1 mg Contact us 5 mg Contact us
NpFlamma® MMP-13 ICG [ Catalog No. PNM0301 ] - A NIR dye-incorporated MMP-activatable CNP that enables to selectively detect tumor cells. - Common filter set: Cy7.5 10 tests $580.00 50 tests $2,005.00 100 tests $3,405.00
NpFlamma® MMP-13 774 [ Catalog No. PNM0306 ] - A far-red dye-incorporated MMP-activatable CNP that enables to selectively detect tumor cells. - Common filter set: Cy7.5 10 tests $580.00 50 tests $2,005.00 100 tests $3,405.00